We want to honor the organizations who work tirelessly to offer well researched information, online communities and inspirational support to the growing population who want to explore all options for creating a family.
We've been lucky to make contact with an influential philanthropist in Los Angeles who has gotten behind us and made introductions to outstanding thought leaders who might participate as speakers. However, the other day, this philanthropist asked me how much we're going to give back. What this person meant was, how much money might we give to the non-profit organizations affiliated with these thought leaders?
This speaks to a core issue which has cropped repeatedly for Fertility Planit. Are we a non-profit or a business? Why are we a business and not a non-profit? Are we trying to earn a profit from people who are struggling to afford the treatments needed to create a family?
There are many things I could say about this. But in brief, we choose to be a business because we feel, as social entrepreneurs, that we can offer the most help to people by creating and sustaining a robust community and resource. To offer highly curated content and a high quality experience for both our live and online audiences, requires a budget that can only be earned by a business. That said, our ticket prices will range between $75-145, and include a full conference pass with registration for two programs and a beautiful schwag bag with offers from our sponsors and exhibitors. We also offer an online hub where all attendees, sponsors and speakers may submit and share information with one another.
On top of that, we give registrants the opportunity to direct 10% of their checkout total to non-profit organizations. We also offer a Community Partners program for high quality non-profits and boutique value providers, so we can promote their products and services to our audiences and stakeholders.
For a first year show, operating on a very tight budget, we are doing the best we can to offer the greatest value to our audiences with our exhibit hall and speakers, and to create a very special, supportive experience for our live audience on the day. I did share these views with the philanthropist i mentioned, and she did send a short supportive note via email as a response. I haven't heard from her since. It's pretty clear that since we're a business, she felt we should be doing more.
But we're a start-up, and I'm a single working mother who holds down a full-time job and sole responsibility for my child, in addition to being the Founder of Fertility Planit. To continue offering the service we provide requires funding -- even just to break even.
I wish we were in a position to offer non-profit organizations more. And we want to, in the future. But for now, we need to pour the bulk of the resources into establishing our service for you.
Warmest Wishes,
Founder/CEO Fertility Planit