Considering some of our speakers — like Tara Stiles, Dan Bucatinsky, Dr. Richard Marrs, Ken Cook and Sarah Brokaw — speak to large audiences at sold-out venues on a regular basis…
Yes To Non-Profits, Our Community Partners
We want to honor the non-profit organizations who work tirelessly to offer well researched information, online communities and inspirational support to the growing population who want to explore all options for creating a family.
Why I Love Tara Stiles
She gets a lot of grief from yoga traditionalists, and she does things her way, anyway, and with love. She doesn’t let anyone shake her vision. She is brave enough to put herself out there and to inspire others to reach for the biggest…
IVF and Cancer: Guiliana’s Baby
“Does IVF cause cancer?” I see many patients from around the world with the severest forms of male infertility who as a couple need in vitro fertilization (IVF) to conceive and I am asked this question all the time. It’s an issue that I have been thinking about for 15 years…
Producing the Fertility Planit Show
I knew it would happen, but I didn’t anticipate all that I’d learn from it. Long story short…