Dr. Dao , L.AC., D.O.M., PH.D. youtube linkedin
Tao of Wellness CEO"Dr. Dao" (as he is known) is the 38th generation in a family lineage of Chinese Medicine Doctors. Well known and respected in his field, he is the founder of Yo San University of Chinese Medicine, holds two doctorates in Oriental Medicine, and was awarded the recipient of the American Fertility Association’s Dr. Joyce Vargyas Visionary Award in 2009. He is a member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Pacific Coast Reproductive Society, American Society for Nutrition, and the American Association of Oriental Medicine. Dr. Dao has co-authored The Tao of Fertility: A Healing Chinese Medicine Program to Prepare the Body, Mind, and Spirit for New Life. (Collins 2008), Sitting Moon: Guide to Natural Rejuvenation after Pregnancy, Crane Style Chi Gong and its Therapeutic Effects. Dr. Dao has been featured on NBC's The Today Show, Conceive Magazine, Conceive On-Air, Women to Women, Donny & Marie Show, Hour Magazine, Home Show, and numerous other television interviews. Dr. Dao practices at his clinic, Tao of Wellness, in Santa Monica, California.
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