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at Fertility PlanitHolly Gregg @ready2Bmom blog
Ready To Be A Mom Blogger, Parent via FET and 2012 RESOLVE/Hope Award Blog of the Year WinnerAfter three years of infertility struggles including IVF, miscarriage, and many negative pregnancy tests, Holly Gregg and her husband Chad, became parents through a frozen embryo transfer. Ms. Gregg began her blog, “Ready to be a Mom” in order to work through the pain and difficulties of her journey toward motherhood, and in doing so found an incredible community of support and advocacy to which she is honored to contribute. She continues to blog on issues facing the infertility community as well as her own personal experiences with parenting after infertility. Formerly working in the field of victim's rights, she is currently preparing for a Master's degree in the field of sociology in hopes to expand research, education and advocacy on the issues of involuntary childlessness and infertility. Gregg, her husband Chad, and their daughter Eliana live in Orange County, California.
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